Kaspa Cats


pre sale: 450 kas
launch: 600 kas

Kaspa Cats NFTS are set to be one of the first collections launching on the Kaspa network. The collection comprises of 9,999 unique NFTS with rarities. Each NFT will allow its holder access to the Ultimate Cat Fighting Championship (UCFC) coming in phase 4 in line with the projects road map. The UCFC is a PVP gaming ecosystem where holders can battle in a three round tekken style bout to be in with a chance of winning KAS. 

Each time a NFT holder wins a fight the protocol logs this win and creates a record on chain. NFT win streaks result in an increase in stamina and health within the game and in turn increase the value of the NFT for resale on secondary platforms.

10% of KAS generated from the NFT collection can be won by the holder of the NFT with the highest win record of the UCFC. 

May the odds be in your favour!





pART 1
  1. Select the amount of NTS you wish to mint. Each NFT during presale is a set rate of 450 KAS.
  2. Multiply the amount of NFTS by 450 to calculate the amount of KAS needed to secure your desired NFT quantity.
  3. Using the QR code or wallet ID, submit the calculated amount in a single transaction using your desired Kaspa wallet.
  4. Once submitted, please proceed to part 2.
pART 2
  1. Enter the wallet address used to transfer the KAS this wallet will be used to verify the TX and receive your NFT.
  2. Select how many NFTS you desire. There is no cap on the amount of NFTS you can chose. 
  3. Enter the amount of KAS sent. this will be verified using your wallet ID and needs to correspond to the amount of KAS sent in Part 1.
  4. Enter your email address. This will be used to contact you if there is an issue with your transaction.
  5. Click Submit, you will then receive an automated email confirming your participation in the NFT Pre Sale.
  6. Sit back and relax, once the NFT collection drops your NFTS will be air dropped to your wallet.

Join NFT Presale

NFT presale at a reduced rate for early supporters. This will allow for accelerated project development and facilitate the building of the PVP NFT gaming ecosystem sooner.

Presale Rate: 450 KAS

Launch Rate: 600 KAS

© 2023 Kaspa Cats, All Rights Reserved